Kimberly is pleased to be co-chairing with Maia Bent, the OBA Institute Elder Law Program: Personal Injury and Elder Law: Practice, Policy and Procedure on February 6, 2019.
The program features the following speakers:
Dr. Dirk Huyer, Chief Coroner for Ontario
Working with the Coroner in an Elder Fatality Case
Jane Meadus, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
10 Lessons Learned from the Gillese Inquiry into Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario
Amani Oakley, Oakley & Oakley
Litigating Nursing Home Negligence Cases
Mike Smitiuch, Smitiuch Injury Law
Obtaining Punitive Damages: The Coulson Verdict
Please sign up and do not mis this very current and controversial program addressing the care of our elderly and exposure to negligence.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Questions about registration?
Canada’s population is aging with baby boomers enjoying longer life expectancies. As this demographic grows, the legal issues surrounding elders and personal injury are evolving and expanding. Join our learned faculty as they address personal injury claims involving elders and elder care institutions. Stay ahead of the curve in this specialized field by understanding the role of the coroner, the Wettlaufer Inquiry, litigation trends, and key cases from experienced counsel. Round out your knowledge by using the debriefing period to get answers to your critical questions.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 | 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Twenty Toronto Street Conferences and Events
20 Toronto Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
Program Chairs: Kimberly Whaley, Whaley Estate Litigation Partners
Maia Bent, Lerners LLP
11:00 am Welcome and Opening Remarks
11:05 am Working with the Coroner in an Elder Fatality Case
Dr. Dirk Huyer, Chief Coroner for Ontario
• Outline of Ontario’s Coroner system
• Legislative authority for death investigations
• Investigating death in a Long-term Care Home
11:25 am 10 Lessons Learned from the Gillese Inquiry into Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario
Jane Meadus, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly
• Gillese Inquiry: Who, what, where, when and why
• Gillese Inquiry: Touchstone for change?
11:45 am Litigating Nursing Home Negligence Cases
Amani Oakley, Oakley & Oakley
• Key cases
• Anatomy of a case
• Challenges of litigation from the plaintiff counsel’s perspective
12:05 pm Networking Break
12:20 pm Obtaining Punitive Damages: The Coulson Verdict
Mike Smitiuch, Smitiuch Injury Law
• Why is this case important?
• The role of a punitive damages award when elder homecare negligence causes death
• Future trends in punitive damages
12:40 pm Panel Discussion and Questions
1:00 pm Program Concludes
This program contains: Up to 2h 00m of Substantive Content
The OBA has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content by The Law Society of Ontario