Kimberly Whaley presents on a panel on “Litigation, regulation and estate planning” – Oct 21 4:15-5:15 pm.
“From a legal perspective, litigation and regulation are key considerations when it comes to estate planning. An estate ending in litigation is a common issue faced in the succession and estate distribution process. In terms of regulation, the Succession Law Reform Act provides the core legal context for estate planning and transfer in Ontario. Here, our panel will review what litigators look for when an estate litigation file comes to them, the common issues and solutions that arise in estate litigation and the areas that other professionals in the estate planning ecosystem should be aware of to best advise their clients (and protect the ultimate beneficiaries of estates). And they will review key areas professionals should be aware of when it comes to the Succession Law Reform Act.”
Kimberly Whaley, Founding Partner, Whaley Estate Litigation Partners
Kim Gale, Founder + Partner, Gale Law
Elena Mamay, Associate, Borden Ladner Gervais
Charles Ticker, Estate Litigator & Mediator, Charles Ticker Law Office
Krista Simon, Partner, Hammerberg Lawyers
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