Contact Information
45 St. Clair Ave. West, Suite 600Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1K9
Main Telephone: (416) 925-7400
View: New Client Intake Information
WEL Directory
Founding Partner
Kimberly A. Whaley Founding Partner
(416) 355-3250Partners
Bryan Gilmartin Partner
(416) 355-3256
Nima Hojjati Partner
(416) 355-3654Lawyers
Gabriella Banhara Lawyer
(416) 355-3266
John E. S. Poyser Senior Litigation Lawyer
(416) 355-3264Firm Counsel
Mark Handelman Firm Counsel
(416) 355-3254
Albert H. Oosterhoff Firm Counsel
(416) 355-3266Articling Student / Students
Chhavi Monga Articling Student
(416) 355-3278
Oliver O'Brien Student
(416) 355-3262Law Clerks
Birute Lyons Law Clerk
(416) 355-3259
Bibi Minoo Estate Clerk
(416) 355-3251
Tracey Phinnemore Law Clerk
(416) 355-3261Office Management
Lisa Tracey Office Manager
(416) 355-3651
Christin Craig Client Relations Coordinator
(416) 355-3253
Please direct all employment enquires to recruiting [at]
WEL PARTNERS is committed to providing accessible customer service. If you require communication supports or other accomodations, please contact us by email at admin [at] or by telephone at (416) 355-3253 or (416) 925-7400.