From the OBA:
Members practicing in Trusts and Estates law should note the following notices from the Toronto Estates Office regarding confirmation forms and the use of USB keys for applications and motions.
The Toronto Estates Office requests that counsel email their Confirmation Forms to rather than sending them by fax. Although faxed Confirmation Forms will still be accepted, the administrative process at the Estates Office makes it more likely that matters confirmed by fax may not be added to the list.
Counsel practicing on the Toronto Estates List are encouraged to file USB memory keys in applications and motions with a large volume of material. USB memory keys should ideally include searchable PDF versions of all documents and MS-Word versions of the party’s factum. Counsel are encouraged in their factums to use hyperlinks citations to cases and to the evidence. USB memory sticks may be filed at the same time as the hard copies or at any time prior to filing a Confirmation Form.